Future Goals

I am excited to start my professional career as an educator. I feel grateful for my education at Oakland University and the opportunities I’ve had in my field placements and student teaching placement. I look forward to applying the knowledge shared with me by my professors and mentor teachers. My main goal is to create a classroom culture of respect and learning. I want my students to love learning and understand that the only measure of success in my classroom is how much progress they make, not how well they do compared to others in their class. My goal is to create relationships with the teachers in the school I work at and collaborate to maximize the success of my students. 

After five years of teaching, I plan to return to school for my Master of Science in Education. I want to get my master's degree in something that focuses on the practical skills of teaching. As an educator, I believe you can always progress and learn more about your expertise, and I want my actions to reflect that belief. I want the education I provide my students to be the best I can give them, and I believe that furthering my education would help me reach this goal.


Positivity- I pride myself on keeping a positive attitude in and out of the classroom. I strive to keep all interactions with students and coworkers positive and uplifting. Even when reminding students of what they should be doing in class should remain positive to ensure that students are not embarrassed and keep a positive outlook on school. If you model a positive outlook and positive interactions, it sets the tone for the students in your classroom.

Hard-Working- I have remained a hard worker since the first job I got when I was sixteen, and this has lead me to the career path I am pursuing now. You can’t be a successful teacher without being hard-working. Teachers' level of work ethic is directly reflected in their student's success because a student cannot work hard at getting better at a skill if a teacher is unwilling to work with that student on that skill. In my future classrooms, I plan to put one hundred percent of my efforts towards ensuring my student's progress. 

Team Player- Teaching is a team sport. It requires effort from parents, a student's teacher, and the surrounding staff in that school. I am willing to collaborate and take advice from my coworkers to ensure that my students receive the best possible education. 

Organized- In a classroom, you manage yourself and a classroom full of children. I am an organized teacher, with all my materials for the following week's lessons printed and prepped for my students. I plan to teach my students organizational skills they can use throughout their education journey. An organized classroom is a well running one, and I plan on having my classroom mirror that belief.

Professional- Building professional relationships with my school's parents is my priority. This means I will set aside all feelings and keep my interactions in person and over email professional and helpful. In my student teaching placement, I showed up an hour before students arrived to ensure that everything for that day was set up. I greeted all of the other teachers I ran into and kept a friendly, professional relationship with my school’s principal. 

Flexible- During my student teaching placement, I learned that I am able to change my plans to fit the ever-changing schedule of the school day. I moved lessons around to fit the schedule for that day or bumped lessons forward or back based on my student's understanding. I discovered that being flexible was one of my greatest assets as an educator.

Areas of improvement

Reading Groups- One area where I need improvement is in my reading groups. During literacy centers, I would call up groups of students to come and read with me. I used a student-led approach in these groups, but sometimes they felt unorganized. Student-led reading groups work well for seasoned teachers, but it was not something I could successfully pull off during my student-teaching placement. 

Feedback- Feedback is crucial to student success. While I would give feedback to my students, it was often after something they did well. Giving positive feedback is essential, but giving my students feedback on what they can improve is crucial. I need to improve on giving students specific strategies they can use to improve on skills.

Documenting- The biggest area of improvement I need to work on is documenting my students' work. I took mental notes of what students needed to improve, but I never wrote any down. If I had written down my student's areas of improvement, I would have had a more organized plan on how to progress them. Another thing I should have been documenting is my student's work. I need to take pictures of my student's work in order to be able to measure their progress. 

Plan of Growth

As an educator, I must remember that I am never done growing my skill set. I will pride myself on self-reflection and using the constructive criticism my coworkers and principal give me. I will improve the above-mentioned areas to be the best educator I can be. To improve my reading groups, I will read the text my students will be using in advance and highlight words they may struggle with, and write up a plan on how I will help them with those words. I will focus on a skill the students will need to read the text and teach that skill in a mini-lesson before we begin our reading. To improve the feedback I give my students, I will use the findings from my formative and summative assessments and write up mini-improvement plans for my students. The students will not read these improvement plans, but we will discuss them when I give the students feedback. One tool I plan on using to improve my feedback is writer's conferences. In these writers' conferences, I will ask my students how they think they are doing, I will compliment things they have written, and together we will come up with ways they want to improve and how they can get there. To improve my documenting skills as a teacher, I will save samples of students' work and take pictures of their work throughout the school year. I will then use these samples and pictures to inform my teaching and share them with parents as a way for them to see their student's progress. I plan on self-reflecting throughout my teaching career and coming up with plans for improvement because we are never done learning.

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